Boarded training options are offered for clients who do not wish to train their dogs in lessons or classes. Boarded training is offered with all positive training methods to ensure your dog’s safety and comfort. Content covered in boarded training is highly specific to the dog boarded, but we frequently address beginner and intermediate obedience, remedial behaviors (digging, excessive jumping, and , and service dog tasks. Boarded training is an intensive boot camp for your dog. To minimize stress and increase learning, dogs are handled extensively throughout the day, with the understanding that each interaction is a learning experience. Boarded dogs are offered ample play time indoors and out, potty time, and down time for affection in addition to expert professional training.
We typically offer two lengths of boarded training, though specific duration may be provided upon request. The most common training is a 21-day training during which we can establish a reliable foundation of beginner obedience, or advance a dog through subsequent training programs as described below.
We also offer a 4 week training duration which can establish beginner and intermediate behaviors, remedial training, or puppy training. Extended training makes time for lots of public outings and socialization, ensuring that your dog understands his training in many environments.
If you have a different duration or training program requirements, contact us and we will do our best to accommodate. As always, clients are welcome at any time to visit their boarded furry family members. We make a special effort for clients to see updates and keep in touch while part of their family isn’t at home.
Listed below are some of our most popular traditional training programs:
Beginner obedience: come, sit, down, stay, loose leash walking, settle, common non-remedial issues of jumping, leash pulling, rushing doors or stairs, and bite inhibition. Beginner obedience programs are available to all dog-friendly dogs 6 months or older. The 3 week boarded training program is $2195 and includes follow-up private lessons and group classes concurrent with the dog’s current education.
Puppy training: Puppy training includes all basic cues but also addresses socialization, nutrition, grooming acceptance, crate training, and potty training. Three weeks of puppy training is available to all puppies under 6 months of age. Our puppy program is always discounted to encourage puppy owners to begin training early and correctly. The discounted price is $1795 for three weeks and includes 3 private lessons and group classes concurrent with the dog’s education.
Refresher course: This is a 5-day course available to adolescent puppies between 6 and 12 months old only if they’ve boarded before 5 months for an initial 3-week puppy training course. A refresher course is priced at $505 for our alumni pups!
Intermediate training: nose work, distance recall, off lead work, extended stay, heeling, and specific task work.
Service dog training: Service dog work is highly specific to the individual who is disabled. We have experience training diabetic alert dogs, cardiac alert dogs, neurological alert and response dogs, and psychiatric service dogs. If you are interested in assistance with your service dog or service dog prospect, please contact us.
Remedial training: destructive behaviors, potty training over 10 months of age, dog and human aggression, escape artists… Remedial training often takes longer and requires more training time each day than initial or proactive training. We do not usually find that boarded training is the best situation for most dogs with aggression concerns, but we’re happy to help in any way we can. Please call or schedule a meeting with the trainer to determine the appropriate duration of training for your pup with remedial training needs.
We try to make all training affordable. Because of this individualized attention, boarded training is not always the most economical option. If it is the safest or most effective option for your family, we will be happy to help. Please, never let finances prevent you from asking about training!
To ensure that all dogs live their best lives, we maintain a policy that any dog left in excess of 30 days or $2000 without prior arrangement or advance payment for boarding with the owner of Come Sit Stay Dog Training, Shiloh Holland, will be considered abandoned by their owner. Come Sit Stay will make every reasonable effort to collect payments due, to contact the owner, and to contact the emergency contact listed before finding a responsible home for any abandoned dogs. It is NEVER our intention to separate dogs from their loving, responsible owners.