We are pleased to offer two new, comprehensive bundled programs for clients looking for service dog training. These programs are aimed at guiding you through the journey of training and handling a service dog for psychiatric, medical response, or mobility needs. We have bundled our services to help you train your dog. Each program offers different benefits. We are happy to discuss details to help you choose the program that best suits your needs.

If you’re interested in our Service Dog Boarded Training Program, you can click here for a more details. If you’d like to enroll, you can call or text (these are the best ways to contact us!) 903.802.8317 or email us and we will be very happy to help.
We understand that not every client prefers to get such in-depth assistance and many would rather learn to train their own dog, but purchasing private lessons and day-training adds up. We’re happy to offer a reduced rate for clients who would rather purchase a package of private lessons aimed at the needs of an owner training a working dog. We offer a package of 45 lessons to be completed within 36 months of purchase for $3000, a savings of $375.

As always, we will still offer all four of our group classes aimed at helping an owner train their own service dog. Each class lasts 6 weeks. Beginner obedience, Intermediate obedience, Public Access, and Task Training classes will be offered as demanded by a minimum of 3 clients per class as frequently as we can. Each class is $100. Information on our group classes can be found here.